A dress is wonderful! Period.
It does not diminish a woman's power b/c she wants to look feminine, I believe it EMBELLISHES that power b/c the woman can wear what she wants to wear (within reason at work that is - don't want men and women drooling all day long and not working).
A dress is excellent. Another choice of clothing.
Personally, I get sick of seeing pants everywhere I turn - I see enough guys wearing pants (I'm not a dress wearer myself, no need and no desire).
A woman who is brave and free enough to wear what she wants, when she wants should be applauded (and admired of course at all times.
A nice dress, a different type of dress (i.e. the motorbike oil change) - what is wrong with that...? Eh?
But if a woman wants to wear pants all the time, good for her. But, if I see a woman confidently or joyously wearing a dress, guess where my attention will drift to for a short time.
Applause, applause.....