Not much to tell, been a member here much longer than what they denote here (I had canceled & renewed my membership MANY years earlier but for some reason, they did not calculate that in...).

Blah, Blah, Blah - Yep, just another somewhat "somewhat" interesting person on another social media site.... trying to live a good life. More about my character and ethics at the bottom.

Currently, been in the AWS Cloud Architect/Engineer world for years. In 2023, attempted to switch over to GCP Data Engineer after gaining that cert (Sept 2023).

But.... the fall/winter tech layoffs skewed that for me. So, I jumped back to AWS in January and got on their Data Engineer path and obtained that cert Jun 2024 (already had the AWS Data Analytics cert, Dec 2021). Working on the AWS ML Engineer cert now...

Earlier: Federal employee as Intelligence Analyst and then Intel Officer as one of the original Cybercommand members. Ran the Intel Watch Standers/Cybersecurity SMEs. Prior to that: InfoSec and Cybersecurity for years in multiple large companies/agencies. Working with Ambassadors & DCoM one on one at a few embassies abroad as well as INS Regional Commanders, N.E. America.

Basically, been in the IT world for a long time - content noted above. Even earlier, worked in a: a) NOC & then the SOC at SBC Datacomm -- b) an international Software company Tech Support -- c) REI IT Tier II Help Desk === d) earlier still, a Nationwide company and simultaneously ran the: Nationwide Tech Support Help Desk AND Voice & Data Communications network AND the PC Support team AND Mainframe Security access. (back when folks could know MOST everything about IT workings...)

Former Marine platoon Sergeant from another time.

Double grad degrees: MBA Technology (Strategy & Innovation focus) / MSc Cybersecurity

In the past - learned to read, speak and write multiple languages: Arabic, Russian, Japanese & Chinese (High School Spanish tied for top of class). (Albeit - ALL very rusty but can still read, speak, write some Russian & Chinese) Again, just another person who has goals in life, attempting to live a good, equitable life and wanting others to be the same way - with the wishing of success for all...

Been to a lot of countries for work and for vacation. Been across America - ALL over. It is too bad that we, people in America, cannot be better when it comes to interacting with others, regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, religion, age. What you do for yourself is what you do - as long as you are NOT harming another (i.e.: domestic abuse against women or hate crimes because the other person is a different skin color). But, you cannot force what you like and do on others. Nor can you require others to be like you (sounds familiar eh, religious communities, neo-nazis, militia groups, etc.).

We have to accept others for who they are and what they are ---- NOT force them to be as you want or even worse:

a) force women to be of less importance without voices, just have babies and be quiet OR --- b) make people of any other race that is not white to be second rate people with NO voice or power ---

=== this is not the way the world should be. It should be full of equality, inclusion, collaboration, cognitive diversity and full of success to help EVERYONE grow and not suffer at the very bottom as many do today.

Okay, okay, I'm off the soapbox but that is me.... Ethics, Integrity and Character.

Medium member since July 2020
Connect with PATRICK


Data Engineer, Cloud Architect, Intelligence & Cyber guy: -- Innovation, Change, Improvement & Equality - 4 ALL! See my ABOUT