@Chenming DEFINITELY did a good job on this.
But note, the prices on ExamTopic went up a few bucks - i.e.: contributor monthly cost is now 40 bucks).
And while ACloudGuru (22 hours) is not bad - the CloudAcademy Google Data Engineering course is 'much' better (25 hours & recently updated) with a more demanding exam to give folks a better grasp of the course.
Sidebar here:
The ExamTopics site - not the best but useful (thanks for posting it Chenming).
Some of the 'best votes' are "not" always the correct vote.
In one case, where I checked out the site today (after paying 40 Bucks for contributor sign in), one of the answers was incorrect and I made it quite clear in the voting comments.
The question was asking for a google database with exponential growth - folks were haggling back and forth that it was Cloud SQL or Datastore. The problem is - neither of those two DBs scales exponentially as stated in the question....
Because of this kind of, ahhh, quagmire - 'YOU' have to do your own research to confirm and verify if they are correct or if your research based on their haggling is correct.
(patrick642 over at yahoo & patrick642 on wordpress)