Children, Teenagers, Young Adults of America — You’re Doomed…!!

5 min readJun 4, 2023


The time is yours now, as much as it is for older adults. We ‘older’ adults had a tough time in the 60s & 70s getting to read books considered sinful, immoral or goes against the sanctity of Christ or any other god out there…

After the book bans and burnings in Nazi occupied Germany — prior to the people of Germany learning that what they did and what they put the Jewish community through — books are there for the people of Germany to read.

After book bans and burnings in America, in the 20s, the 30s, well — you get the drift — MANY of us were able to enjoy and learn from books that opened up WHOLE NEW VISTAS for us. Books that allowed us to explore the physical world and the social world around us — those books were there for us.

Now. Now, we have individuals around the country and those individuals in positions of political power — they want to bring back “Christianity” and more, deeper, “Conservatism” and SHOVE IT DOWN THE THROATS OF FREE-THINKING AMERICANS…!!! Older adults as well as young adults and let’s not forget the growing children and teenagers who DO want to learn more.

You, you Children, Teenagers and Young Adults of America — you have to do more and take your turn to stop the stifling of free thought; freedom to grow and experiment — YOU are our BEST hope now. YOU have to talk to your parents and your teachers, and CONTINUOUSLY try to convince them to help stop what appears to be a minority of people in America who want to take us back 50 to 100 years in the past. Back when men, mostly men of a certain skin color had the ultimate power to wield over everyone else as if the “other” people were meaningless.

And by “other people”, take a guess here. No, let me just say it. People of color, any color — Black, Yellow, Brown — any of them, any of us were considered SECOND-RATE people. And let’s not forget women. Women in the past (and in some communities across the country to this day) were meant to ALWAYS be, as has been noted for decades, if not centuries — Barefoot and Pregnant and in the Kitchen. Always at home taking care of the “man’s” domicile, his kingdom (said with a little “k” here). Women, at the leisure and pleasure of many men, were meant to be kept in the background, an inferior position — but a step up from people of color.

We. By ‘We’, I include you Children, Teenagers and Young Adults to step up and help stop this insane blood and life-sucking backwards move for society. A growing movement that intends to take everyone back to the time when White Supremacy made all the choices for everyone else: things such as child labor laws being overwritten and returned to the 1700 and 1800s. Don’t take my word for it, take the word of the authors: Erik M. Conway and Naomi Oreskes who wrote the book, “The Big Myth”. They talk about this one area in depth, as well as other areas. Check out the content in the book regarding the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) who could care less about children, as long as they worked for low wages and in dangerous conditions. This is what NAM did in the past.

Today. Today, we have individuals who are actively banning books and even poems such as the one by Amanda Gorman. Amanda Gorman did the poem at Biden’s presidential inauguration — remember her yet? Young and looks to be a wonderful American. That poem that she recited at the inauguration is now banned from Bob Graham education center in Miami Lakes (Florida) because of a complaint from a SINGLE PARENT where the woman/complainant said she objected to the poem because it was “not educational and have indirectly hate messages”. (Her words, not mine…)

This is what all of us are going through, a minority of individuals and corrupted political individuals as well as political parties across America, in many states — trying to still freedom and growth from you as YOU come into your own time. But, your own time may be stolen and quashed for years and or decades. All because of these narrow-minded thinkers and believers who want a certain colored world, a world of religion again, where everyone should believe in their god.

You have to make your voice heard, somehow. Most of you will never even see this paper, as it is only one of thousands out here in the Internet. Yet, there is always hope, I neglected to mention — I’m optimistic and have always been so. Even after seeing countless incidents and situations of unfairness and illegalities across the decades because not enough of us stood up fast enough.

I still have hope that enough Americans can band together in enough states in America to quench the numerous groups of political parties who are now ACTIVELY banning special elections; creating MORE rules and regulations to ensure their remaining in political power for as long as they can and let’s not forget GERRYMANDERING, which is still going strong…

Children, Teenagers and Young Adults — make your voices heard, somehow. Band together so all of you are able to enjoy the books of your choice and to enjoy the social life YOU would like to enjoy (legal of course…). And to even enjoy the partner of ANY color as some of us have greatly enjoyed being with — no one has to marry another person just because they have the same skin color. Ask the Lovings, Richard and Mildred Loving, they had to go to court to be married, just because they were black and white and living in the south (Virginia). Check out their story, there are books and movies and even podcasts out there that talk about them as a couple, as individuals and as heroes that MANY of us look up to.

Please. Band together to help stop this nonsense of forced Christianity and conservatism…

Tags: Amanda Gorman, book bans, banning books, Nazi, Nazi Germany, Erik M. Conway, Naomi Oreskes, child labor, The Big Myth, Barefoot and pregnant, banned books, NAM, National Association of Manufacturers, White Supremacy, Loving, Loving v Virginia, Richard and Mildred Loving, interracial marriage




Written by PATRICK

Data Engineer, Cloud Architect, Intelligence & Cyber guy: -- Innovation, Change, Improvement & Equality - 4 ALL! See my ABOUT

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