Death of Critical Thinking and AI to Closed-Mindedness and Racism

4 min readSep 9, 2024


Wow! Talk about disappointment — not the paper mind you, but comments from a couple of individuals commenting on the topic.

A few days ago, I wanted to take in Joan Westenberg’s slant on her paper “The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI” .

Here are the first two paragraphs from the paper (only a 7-minute read):

· We have witnessed a multi-generational decline in reading comprehension. We read less, retain less of what we read, and struggle to engage in critical analysis. And if this trend continues, we risk undermining the very foundations of our society.

· In the bite-sized content and viral media age, too many of us have lost — or are losing — the focus and patience for lengthy, complex texts. We skim and scan instead of closely reading. Our attention spans have shrunk to mere seconds. While technology has enabled the wide dissemination of information, it has also fragmented our thinking. We are overwhelmed by noise and sensationalism.

After scanning through the paper, which I believe contains some very good content and an eye-opener for those who lack good, solid critical thinking skills. That is, if they read it with an open-mind.

Then. Then I decided to read some of the comments to see who had worthwhile comments/retorts.

Again, WOW — was I surprised.

Where folks are discussing critical thinking and AI, I came across this comment posted by Elysium (which received no claps):

· Niggas don’t think anymore. Sad but it is what it is.

For this one, I just had to put in some feedback:


Hmmmm, your comment is the sad one.

I happen to be a ‘nigga’ if you wish to use that term.

I also happen to be one that has double-grad degrees, work in the high-tech world and have learned 5 foreign languages (read, speak, write) — 4 of them being the State Dept’s hard ones…

And I know for a fact that there are MANY others out there who are even MORE highly qualified/educated/wealthier members of your categorical term out there.

AND there are MANY individuals out there who hold LESSER/FEWER credentials but ARE HIGHLY better critical thinkers than many narrow mindset individuals on this planet.

It is too bad that we have so many individuals out there with blinders on or narrow mindsets in place… That is the sad part.


And of course, there would be another individual, Julius Augustus who today posted a rather, ahhhh, stupid comment reply aimed squarely at me and others like me:

· great you filled a companies forced by law diversity quota.

This immediately flared up my Marine Corps Platoon Sergeant mindset. But after calming down, decided to craft a response for everyone to ponder.

Sorry folks but my “WHITE” half wanted to chime in on this comment (above) by Augustus (sample of his latest posting below).

To my colleagues and friends across America and other countries — it appears we have another individual who is happily contributing to the world-wide clown show of disinformation (or lack of education / open-mindedness).

It is very sad that this flavor of individual continues to pop up out of the wood work, yes, like whack-a-mole. They appear to want the world to revert to the 1930s (or even 1880s) where white, shallow, weak, power hunger, greedy men wanted to hold the reins of power for everything

It is too sad that these individuals have no:

· strong self-confidence or

· drive

in themselves to be more successful by their own right, rather than being part of the old boy’s club and use suppression or repression of others to become, in their mind, successful.

It is too sad that these individuals have access to social media in order to spread misinformation and disinformation at no cost to themselves — other than at the cost of their once good name and moral character. I know there are many people out there who would cut off a leg rather than have any kind of association with this particular model of human.

Instead, these individuals want people of color, most cases women too and, LBGTQ members to be behind them — out of sight and only allowed to speak up when given permission to speak or be seen.

Basically, keep their mouths shut.

How long will it take to wean the world of these shallow minded, vapid, puerile, angry and close-minded individuals….? How long….???

How long will it take to somehow improve these individuals and remove from them the fear of others of a different ilk/brand/personality in the social and business hemispheres of life…?

Unfortunately, we have a long way to go before that ever transpires…



Business, Change & Improve, Future, Improve, Leading, politics, Society, Technology, World and tagged close-minded, close-mindedness, clown circus of disinformation, clown show of disinformation, critical thinking, nigga, racism




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