DEI — the Dearth of Educational Intellect — Not the Regular DEI but a New Iteration…
Dearth of Educational Intellect (maybe Death of Educational Intellect….??)
hint: Dearth = Lack of
Once again to everyone else out there, from what we see in the news and IRL (in real life). And I am referring to real news, not the 2 minutes (or less) of tik tok or youtube spots presented by individuals who did not actually do any serious due diligence to confirm the content PRIOR to spouting it to others. We appear to have yet more DEI folks around (actually a lack of them…). NOTE: The following is not aimed at any one particular person — this is an en masse designation… and…..
No, no, no…. not the regular, progressive, uplifting term of DEI = Diversity, Equity and Inclusion but this one: Dearth of Educational Intellect.
So, for me, from this point going forward — this is when and where I start associating these folks with my favorite new iteration of DEI — not just the [american] society but individuals around the planet.
DEI — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a platform I believe in because it DOES help MORE people to grow in this world of discrimination. Yes, we still have discrimination — sometimes, overt but mostly covert.
- Sexist
- Racial
- Age
- Sexual preference (homophobes)
But of course, we still have many FLAT-EARTH conspiracy minded individuals in this country (and others) Instead of more people on this planet evolving and becoming better people, we have those that never evolved and became better and then we have a fair number willing to regress and become individuals of backwards and discriminatory thinking and behavior.
It is very disappointing that more and more corporations are shutting down their DEI programs. After centuries of racism and sexism, many of these businesses could help the world in growing and becoming better themselves. By helping many of their employees and others around the globe that the business interacts with.
My personal definition of folks with this newer iteration of DEI / are those individuals of the world who have very little or no:
a) brain to use (that we can actually measure) — or are only capable of using it in a negative manner
b) mind of social consciousness
c) logical thought processes to be able to see the results of 2 + 2 or 8 x 8 or better yet, to truly see the mix of all the different people in the world’s make up of: race, gender, age, religious affiliation, sexual preference and extrapolate out into the future how great the world can be and become
d) ethical values
e) moral compass
f) true role model to follow
g) empathy and last but not least
h) last but not least — NO GOOD high school, community college, vocational school or university level paths of education. And note, it is fine if individuals only went to H.S. or comm. college if they received high marks because they really wanted to succeed in earning good / great grades. It is also fine if they earned a great education at a vocational school. University is ‘NOT’ a requirement for everyone but it does help the world when more people learn more subjects and interact with different groupings of students — older or younger… to share the varying perspectives and outlooks on life where each can learn something new from one another.
Unfortunately, these are the folks who would rather sit in front of a tv or computer, tablet, phone all day for useless, sometimes just stupid television content and/or scroll endlessly through rabbit holes of vitriolic content.
tags: Flat-earth, flat-earth conspiracists, flat earth conspiracy, dearth of educational intellect, discrimination, dei, diversity equity inclusion, racism, gender discrimination, age discrimination, dearth of educational intellect, Sexual preference, homophobes