Good article.
Just wanted to interject one small, tiny piece in reference to the moronic, asinine, idiot men who DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS after doing their business. Yes, it is true a fair number of men do that. Very sad. And disgusting.
(As a former Marine, this kind of behavior makes me want to beat the living hell of these guys especially when they think those of us WHO DO wash our hands will want to shake their DIRTY hand...)
But note, there are also quite a few women who also do NOT wash their hands before leaving the loo.
So, on this part - many on both sides are guilty of doing that. (Nope, not going into numbers, no friggin' way of knowing and not trying to do a numbers test - it is bad either way.)
Now, back to the other areas of the article. And again, nope, nothing new for me to contribute. A lot of valid content already stated in the article and multiple comments.
It is simply about hygiene and respect to others...