Good info.
One snag though....
If folks are getting that error and attempt to do:
--- pip install certifi
It "might" still come back with the same OS error... as it did for me.
This error came out of the blue for me, I never had this error before and I've been doing PC / Network / Cybersecurity for decades.
Somehow, in the space of 2 months, my (Windows 11 pro pc) systems environment variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE 'value' got corrupted and was showing:
--- NO idea how that happened or what may have modified that.
There WAS NO \ssl\certs folder in that postgresql directory...
Completely blindsided...
Right now, upgrading postgreSQL to 16.2
--- which did not work
But finally came across another writer who posted a solid fix @
In a Windows Command window/terminal, enter that command:
python -c “import certifi; print(certifi.where())”
-- and it does show you the path of where the cacert.pem is located.
But for me, it was showing my c: drive USER folder - did not want that.
So I found all the cacert.pem files on C drive - and decided to go with the current cacert.pem file in the Python 312 folder ---- full path:
C:\Program Files\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\certifi\cacert.pem
Plugged that into the System Environments variable instead.
Open the Environment content - find the
CURL_CA_BUNDLE and modify the 'value' from whatever it was to the path for the CURRENT cacert.pem file is located.
Also, I did not have to restart my PC .