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Okay, what can we talk about here that folks do not already know but should know…
Right off the bat, to be frank — if you have to cheat to win, it means YOU have no moral compass in your thinking and that cheating is the only way to win and get ahead.
If you have to cheat to get ahead, it means you have no work ethic or sense of integrity to do things the hard and smart way to move up in the world. If you have to step on someone else’s back by lying, cheating and/or stealing — it means you are not the person meant for that job. Because for bloody sure, you are NOT the leader others will want to follow knowingly and willingly.
If you believe you are a successful winner by discriminating in your hiring choices as to gender or looks, it means you also have bad ethics and lack any sense of real integrity. Those people you discriminate against could be some of the best people you will ever have had the opportunity to grow your business and circles of friends and other partnerships.
If you discriminate because of race, you are definitely cheating and are not fit to be a successful member of society and are not meant for any kind of leadership roles.
If you believe you have to cheat, it means you are not willing to do the hard work others are willing to do (AND HAVE DONE) to become successful and respected. Because if you cheat to win, for example, by gaining entry to colleges due to bribes for yourself or your children — you are not an honest member of society.
If you have to cheat by using means of suppression and repression, it is a clear sign of your ignorance, lack of human empathy and low moral standards.
Look at the political leadership of S. Carolina:
· closing down voting locations to make it difficult for certain groups of people to vote
· trying to instantiate even stricter voter identification laws
· trying to undertake illegal state legislature voting by one party while the other party is out of sight because the party who was not there was tricked into believing that there was no voting going to take place
Look at the Russian government, where if you are a serious contender against Putin and have a massive following — Putin somehow comes up with a way for that competition to be pushed aside.
Competition somehow:
· comes under law enforcement scrutiny for ‘tax evasion’ and is jailed and now branded with a criminal conviction, which means that person is no longer able to run for office — a criminal record by way of sleazy shenanigans or
· is poisoned and hospitalized or
· is killed by mysterious perps or
· is banned from having large public gatherings for their party or
· and yes, we could go on here as well…
and when you have the police and military under your thumb, it was/is fairly easy for Putin to always be the winner — by cheating. Having special groups of ‘alleged’ jack-boot thugs who have no ‘affiliations with the ruling party helps as well.
Look at Xi JinPing, he is now President for life now that he has abolished the legal term limit — how much of a cheat is that — when you can make your own rules. Oh sure, the Communist Party voted overwhelmingly for that term limit removal — ‘how would you vote if you had a gun to your head? (yes, it is figurative but could be literal in some parts of China)’
If you willingly need to cheat to win, it means your moral compass is badly broken. And it is deviously corrupt if you have a lack of empathy with no feelings of guilt or any qualms whatsoever knowing that what you did was wrong in gaining a role, position or whatever illegitimately by blocking others who deserved it more than you.
If you have to cheat to win, it means you are not the type of person that others want to be around (they should not). It means you are not willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears that MANY others put in to grow and be a better person.
Cheating to win by:
· doping up for a competition is not the trait of a winner
· bribing others to look the other so you can be successful is ALSO not the trait of a winner
· offering to forgive or purge any illegal transgressions once you win some position, again, is ALSO not the trait of a winner
Tendered possible solutions…
· all-inclusive, invite people of different backgrounds (cultural, educational & economic)
· collaborative, invite people from different life levels (political, financial footing, age groups, etc.)
· open-minded in taking in what others have to say because for sure, ‘you’ do not know everything or even most of everything (this is for the majority of Americans and citizens of other countries) — others may/will have a different take on things and could very well spark an unconsidered resolution or success for some activity or action that you, by yourself, may not have thought of
· smart — street smart, common sense smart, educationally smart — all great attributes to have, especially in complementary fashion, having all three
· a listener — a good to great listener takes in what others say, no matter if the other is a young fresh college graduate or a retired senior citizen who never went to college — no matter if the other is of the opposite sex or a different race (sorry, cannot help it — have to be all-inclusive to others at all times)
Tags: Cheat, cheats, cheater, cheating, inclusion, inclusiveness, collaboration, collaborative, integrity, ethics, repression, suppression, leadership, leaders, lead by example, human empathy, empathy, moral compass, moral standards