My “Censored” Comments on PC Mag’s Article — 10 Big Reasons Not to Upgrade to Windows 11

3 min readMay 20, 2024


In reference to the article “10 Big Reasons Not to Upgrade to Windows 11

What a piece of crap…!!!! — — PC Mag site.

Be careful in what you write on that web site — if you still read it that is…. The web site rejected my comments, included below. We seem to be doomed in NOT being able to say things on more web sites now, such as:

  • crap
  • crappy
  • bloody
  • pissed
  • screwed
  • damn

My thinking is that there must be puritanical nuns/priests (or seriously” pious individuals) overseeing the comments we present to ensure they are sacrosanct before being accepted. I mean, are we now at a stage where we are afflicted with primarily puerile environments….??? Is PC Mag attempting to have a pure Christian based site…??? Wanting to have completely “pristine” comments….???

UPDATE, May 20th: WOW!!!! Now it appears that I cannot even post search terms on PC Mag. The search terms are for folks to search for this blocked content below. It means, to me, that PC Mag is censoring my content.

The following is what I posted:

Decent article but, need to point out a couple of updates that some may not have seen or looked into.

Yes, I also disliked having to move to Win 11 but did so anyway — RIGHT BEFORE they announced that Win 10 was able to be in play without maintenance costs until late 2025…. THAT was annoying and seriously pissed me off.

I’ve been one of those who has been using/installing Windows (Win 2 ‘87) since they came out with the original big (in physical size, not GBs) floppy disks decades ago.

Some of the new Windows versions I disliked, many I’ve liked. Win 11 — still has too many pain points for me. Such as when you use the new version of MS Paint (some of us have installed CLASSIC MS Paint).

Okay, here we go:

Required to sign into Microsoft for Win 11:

  • NO — I never do that. I ‘ALWAYS’ bypass/skip that. You can too.

Win 10 Start menu:

  • I DEFINITELY miss it, damn, I liked it and still do. But, we are kinda screwed on that aspect for now.

BUT…!!!! That crappy, stupid, crazy Win 11 taskbar….!!!!

  • Microsoft FINALLY listened to all of those (us) who screamed about that piece of garbage taskbar. They got a bit smarter, finally and kowtowed to users — we NOW have the capability to have Win 10 like taskbar — MADE ME VERY HAPPY…!!!! Check out the jpg of my Win 11 Pro taskbar.
Windows 11 Taskbar — now modifiable to enjoy

Following is my second comment.

I was going to edit my initial comment but PC Mag is working on approving (or denying) my comment even though there was no profanity in it…. language that many of us use every single, bloody day….

Anyway, what I was going to comment on was #9 in the article list above. I missed reading it and made a comment on it to another commenter in this thread. Yes, I agree — deep right clicking to get more, more, more options.

  • It kinda sucks. First page of options should have been fine.

So, sheesh, what is this…??? What is offensive above….????!!!

The following content was not originally posted in the comment.

Oh my goodness, they even rejected the link (below) to one of my web pages from being posted in their comment section…: — — A link that facebook and twitter allows….

Here are some search terms for others to search for (whenever the various search engines update their search indexes) for the noted web page:

  • fantastic wonderful peaceful tranquil globe space — — or
  • twin98for33joy

Stop here before going further, remember — free speech - foul language being used…




but basically, I am at the point of stating: PC Mag, another fucked up site regarding the allowance of 8th grade level comments.


tags: censoring, censorship, community guidelines, fantastic wonderful peaceful tranquil globe space, non-compliance, pc mag, pc magazine, profanity, twist98for33joy




Written by PATRICK

Data Engineer, Cloud Architect, Intelligence & Cyber guy: -- Innovation, Change, Improvement & Equality - 4 ALL! See my ABOUT

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