President 47 — Ending Birthright Citizenship — Nah, Ain’t Gonna Happen
Okay folks, for anyone who is not aware, Birthright Citizenship “IS” in the constitution, the 14th amendment.
This 47th president and his administration can sign all the Executive Orders (EO) they desire — none of them can override that amendment.
Now, if this 47th president attempted to enforce this, the very first illegal OR legal immigrant family will file a lawsuit and sue the hind end off of this 47th president and his administration. And win.
Then, there are MULTIPLE groups out there who, in the case the family is afraid of doing this on their own — will GLADLY take up lawsuits on behalf of these families.
Then, there are ALL of the court systems in the country.
NONE of these court systems would allow this 47th president to start editing the constitution to suit his own feeble, decrepit, moronic, puerile, DEI mindset. And most definitely — I believe, I really hope so that the Supreme Court, above all else — THEY would ALL unite and quash this EO instantly (same day)…
Not the Regular DEI but a New Iteration, the Dearth of Educational Intellect… This is an en masse designation… not just the American society but for all individuals around the planet who do not use their brain, heart, logic AND education.
I am not putting that entire DEI content here but it is on my site.
Now, for the majority of those die-hards in the maga base, they will be very surprised that this 47th president cannot get this EO enforced. But unfortunately, many of them will not know why or understand why… Unless they actually go out and do some legitimate, decent research — outside of their silos…
Meanwhile, many illegal / legal immigrant families will have to endure a lot of pain to get through this episode of this psychotic 47th president and the seriously skewed administration that surrounds him…
This is a right that is a permanent fixture of America. No one should even be attempting to tinker with the constitution in this manner. Birth. Discrimination.
Rights, it all boils down to rights for the many.
Tags: 47th president, president 47, trump, birthright citizenship, ending birthright citizenship, end birthright citizenship, DEI, constitution, 14th amendment, illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, Dearth of Educational Intellect,