Scalise — Demonization of Trump. REALLY! This is more like Book of Eli = Trump, Instead of the Betterment for All

13 min readJul 14, 2024


What is this continuous talk of Demonization…??? And why….??? We should be a country where collaboration, logic, integrity, equality and helping others become successful should be paramount — OVER ALL POLITICS. Yet, instead of acting with character and higher moral standards — so many, MANY people instead continue to do this → “Demonization” — day after day, week after week, year after year. PLEASE STOP…!!! It is all a waste of everyone’s time.

And yes, some of the content below is things you may already know but ‘may’ have forgotten about. But, we want to do as the GOP is doing — continual repetition of material UNTIL IT STICKS in your brain… We will note some aspects of Trump “Demonization” later in this piece — following the next two paragraphs, we’ll discuss Trump’s accomplishments.

Steve Scalise was on Fox this morning talking about the Left Demonizing Trump instead of applauding Trump’s record of accomplishments while in office. And on top of it, Scalise brings in God being around as a miracle giver — referring to the Congress ball game shooting years past as well as at the Butler, PA Trump rally assassination attempt on Saturday, July 13th.

REALLY…!!!!???? First of all, where was this god during the Covid pandemic while millions of people died…??? Where was this god when Gabbie Gifford was shot in the head and could have prevented it…??? Where was/IS THIS god when Blacks/Women were simple chattel AND abused for CENTURIES instead of having equal rights..??? Then there is the 1918 Influenze pandemic, Vietnam, Iraq, WWII, WWI, Korean War, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (where hospitals of children are decimated with children and others inside), Hamas’ invasion into Israel and decapitating babies, raping women/girls before killing them and then taking hostages — WHERE WAS THIS GOD IN ALL THESE TIMES OF TURMOIL???????

Now, moving on the first piece — WHAT accomplishments did Trump do that was great for America?

Tax Cuts? Sure — give some chump change money to the lower and middle class of America while STUFFING the Xmas stockings for the wealthy. Adding SIGNIFICANT debt to the country that YOUR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN will be paying for, for decades…

Relaxing or cutting environmental regulations so businesses can produce products and make money…? Sure…. Yes. The businesses make these products and make money, yay…. Meanwhile, they do so without regard for air and water environmental impacts that YOU and YOUR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN AND GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN will be paying for the bad air and water that IS and WILL affect yours and their health until they die, earlier than they should. We have bad air from plant’s emitting even more methane and carbon dioxide and water being polluted with its MASSIVE AMOUNTS of microplastics AND NANOplastics that many people still are not aware of…. (Please note: the micro & nano-plastics are in the air as well, we’re breathing it all the time, even from car/truck tires as we hum merrily down the streets and freeways.) Trump’s regulatory reduction attempts will allow businesses to continue skipping doing better jobs of removing PFAS and all the hundreds/thousands of its kindred molecular chemical makeup…

  • Here is one more significant one. The Trump administration loosened the standards oil and gas companies had to meet for how much methane — the largest chemical component of natural gas and a major heat-trapping substance — they could allow to leak out of pipelines, storage tanks and other oil field infrastructure.

Trump sat three judges on the Supreme Court who explicitly lied about Rowe v Wade. This was due to McConnell playing crappy politics and withholding voting for Merrick Garland when Obama was in office. One of which allegedly raped a drunk college classmate (still not explicitly proven that Kavanaugh is innocent). As a consequence, Rowe v Wade was overturned and we now have chaos across America where EACH state can do DIFFERENT laws to ban / prohibit abortion. And in many cases, the states in question want to make it a criminal offense for:

  • doctors aiding women
  • doing mail order abortion aid medication
  • women and anyone aiding women to drive from their state to another for an abortion

All the while, women cannot go to an ER for emergencies unless they are literally DYING and BLEEDING OUT….

International Unity? Do you Scalise, mean when Trump attempted to pull America OUT of NATO? Or the many times that Trump engages/engaged with Hungary’s Orban, an individual who is more Putin associated than with America? Or the times Trump engaged with his “olde buddy” Kim Jong Un, another autocrat, sorry, dictator — a dictator of a country where TENS/HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of N. Koreans are suffering from malnutrition and deadly health conditions — MUCH more than Americans…

Health care maybe Scalise, is this an accomplishment? Where Trump wanted to dismantle Obamacare / ACA…? That is helping MILLIONS of Americans. And what did Trump have to offer in exchange? Hmmmm…??? Still waiting…. Ahhhh, crickets — Trump has squat to replace the ACA. Definitely nothing better. Oh wait, Trump started on Insulin price reductions but did not carry it out… Oh no, wait — Trump dismantled the National Security Council (NSC)’s Global Health Security and Bio-defense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness. The unit which would have had us (America) better prepared and equipped to deal with the Covid pandemic. And which would have gotten the Defense Production Act geared and ramped up MUCH faster to start producing all of the equipment (masks, syringes, PPE, gloves, etc.) and personnel into place to counter-attack the covid pandemic. Instead of relying on China so massively.

Separation of church and state…?? Hmmm, Trump allowed this to ramp up religion in education — Betsy DeVos, a devout Christian, found ways to expand federal support for religious schools and organizations at the Education Department. Because of that somewhat of a genesis, we now have states like Oklahoma requiring bibles, f_ _ k_ ng bibles in all public school (grade school, jr high/middle school/high school & colleges) classrooms. Or the Louisiana requirement by law to display the Ten Commandments.

  • Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible as of 2024–2025 — a movement to infuse Christian values in public schools. Against the will of non-christian and atheists and agnostics…
  • House Bill 71, approved by Louisiana state lawmakers last month, mandates that a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments with “large, easily readable font” be in every classroom at schools that receive state funding, from kindergarten through the university level.
  • Scalise, is bringing religion into the school system an accomplishment? DO YOU want something like bible teachings and 10 commandments FORCE FED down your throat every second of every day while you were in school — or like the STUPID, GARBAGE slogan “in god we trust” in court rooms and on our currency… And let’s not forget here as well, there are many religious leaders/teachers who are homosexuals, bisexuals, pedophiles and embezzlers — YOU can research this yourself (all of you) there is a great deal of evidence of these religious “leaders” who practices the art of “do as I say, not as I do” and after being caught, they all start crying that they were weak, please forgive me… Also Scalise, there have been quite a handful of your fellow congress persons, today and in the past, who have come out of the closet as to even while opposing gay bills — many were gay at the time, before they came out of the closet — after leaving congress…

We could keep going with these minimal / inadequate accomplishments but this is enough for here…

Again, what accomplishments did Trump do…????

Now, Demonizations — Scalise and others, do you believe there is nothing legitimate to demonize Trump about…? What about the character and integrity of the individual named Trump? What REDEEMING qualities can Trump (OR you) offer up that he is the best person to lead America…?

Let’s see what impacts Trump’s character and standing:

  • Alleged Rape — but as far as everyone knows or is aware of, THAT is Trump’s trademark, so to speak — that he can grab ANY WOMAN by THEIR PUSSY and it will be no big deal — because Trump is a man of power and of Fame (yeah, right, just because he has money he obtained from his father). Oh, let’s not forget EGO. Who wants to follow or be associated with a rapist or an alleged rapist?
  • — — And yes, I am quite aware of how many women around the world, not just America, are raped every minute of EVERY DAY by strangers, domestic partners, boyfriends and even relatives — ARE YOU FOLKS OUT THERE AWARE OR EVEN CARE…??? Just because a guy is bigger and stronger or richer — that DOES NOT give them leeway or the right to rape a woman AT ANY TIME!!! When a woman says ‘No’ — they MEAN “NO”!
  • Character, Ethics and Integrity — talk to many of the business men/women and contractors and laborers about how ‘decent’ Trump was with his businesses. Trump shortchanged MANY of these people or simply did not pay them because, well, because he is Trump the almighty. Go talk to these people, there are many out there who will NEVER forget that Trump shafted them. Trump has no character and integrity, because this is who he is. Did use his ‘bone spurs’ to weasel out of Vietnam — of course he did. But somehow, the bone spurs disappeared years later. That is not part of a good character. (and yes, many others did similar things and/or went to Canada.)
  • — — Then too, there was the incident with the Art Deco Friezes (sculptures) on the Bonwit Teller Building back in 1979/1980. After purchasing the hotel building and before razing the hotel Donald Trump had promised the Met (MoMA) hotel’s Art Deco Friezes. He lied. He did not. He demolished those VERY EXPENSIVE Art Works when the hotel was demolished. Trump had not given that art work to the Met.
  • — — When journalists inquired of the Trump Organization about the existence of the two limestone Art Deco friezes, a spokesperson going by the name John Barron replied: three independent experts had found that the works had “no artistic value” and were worth at most an estimated $9,000. (note: If anyone wants to do their own research, this is a time period when Trump was using the pseudonym of John Barron to hide behind so he could try to legally say that it was not Donald Trump saying those things…)
  • — — Illegally taking Classified documents home with him after his Presidency is over… anyone else taking BOXES of classified documents home would already be in jail within months of discovery. And there was NO “declassification process” initiated by Trump’s administration prior to his leaving office… and remember, everyone who obtains a security clearance has to swear to the sanctity of integrity and character — for federal employees, it is verbally and in writing
  • — — This characterization of Trump, which many have noted over the decades is one of CORRUPTION, GREED, POWER and NOT adhering to any MORAL PRINCIPLES. All of the preceding items in this bullet is what Trump is made of… How about that 33,000 square New York residence of his eh…??? He swore to the banks and authorities that that was what it was, for the value but then lied to the IRS and the NY state tax department when it came to tax time.
  • Immigration. Trump wants to close the border and deport millions of immigrants. Butttt….. what about Melania Trump and her “GENIUS” Visa….? hmmm… That is how Melania got into the country. I do not mean to defame her in any way but Trump ‘allegedly’ cheated and got her immigration into the country. (You can do your own interpretation of whether Melania truly merited the “Einstein Visa”.) Then Trump got her parents immigrated into the country (but Trump wants to stop Chain Immigration). Trump does not want immigration but he WILL do immigration if they are from the right/proper country and of the, ahhh — right/proper skin color…
  • — — So folks out there know, including those who do not do their own research, lemme help ya. An “Einstein Visa”, the EB-1 is in theory reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field — the government cites Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners as examples — as well as respected academic researchers and multinational executives, Nuclear scientists, Nobel laureates and doctors. So too, do acrobats, stunt men, event planners — and plenty of models.
  • — — “Recipients are supposed to be the best of the best,” “but meeting the criteria is no guarantee. An adjudication officer makes a judgment call.”
  • Equality. Please. Trump knows nothing about equality. An example — labeling Latin Americans as a whole as ‘Vermin’ — that is just flat out disgusting and unjust.
  • Honesty…!!!! Nah — no way in hell is this an honest person. For the past 45 years that I have been aware of Trump, this individual is made up of nothing but lies, deception, and/or misdirection. He has lied to the face of many people in his lifetime, pure and simple. And wanted everyone around him to believe the same garbage.

So, Scalise and others out there in America — if you are wholeheartedly jumping on the Trump train to hell (or have already been on it) — are you the same kind of person as Trump. If you believe in Trump as you say you do, then that says a lot about your own character and integrity. With Trump being a consistent (pathological?) liar, deceiver, misdirector, alleged rapist, tax evader, real estate charlatan and you believing in Trump to your dying breathe — then that means you are not a good person as well. Take a look back at a few folks:

  • fake electors across the country — they knew they were in the wrong, yet they believed that strongly in Trump, they were willing to forge documents
  • Comet Ping Pong Pizza wanna be shooter — the guy that drove to N.W. DC because he “heard” via his news outlets (social media with poor reputable sources) that there was child pedophilia taking place in the basement of Comet Ping Pong. By the way — there is no basement in Comet Ping Pong Pizza…

Those are only a couple of examples but there are many people around America that are willing to believe in Trump to the end but for whatever reason, they are not thinking things through about Trump — nothing. These individuals do not seem to care about the character and integrity of someone they want as President. This only means that moral character and integrity means nothing to them and anyone, anyone at all — even in the highest positions can do illegal activities and harm the rest of the people in America — those folks who want integrity and honesty. It means that they have poor self-standards of bad character, poor integrity.

At some point, we HAVE TO stop this “Left doing that”, “Right doing this”. We have to be better. Somehow… Or else we will continue to devolve into being a divided United States of America, which is why I do not say USA anymore — I only say America. We are not a United States of America… And as I have stated many times, coming together during times of War and Disasters (pandemics, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes) — that does not count. That is only human nature trying to get people to rally together to stop something bad.

Being United means working and collaborating TOGETHER — ALL OF THE TIME…!!!!

In the end, if people like the followers of Trump continue to be elected in school boards, city, state or federal positions — including President — then America will just keep going down the Trump, sorry — rabbit hole to hell.

Just like in the Denzel Washington movie — Book of Eli. Where Gary Oldman plays a ‘dictatorial’ leader/ruler and dishes out water in some kind of rationing system he controls — where Oldman’s character controls the daily life and fate of women and where Oldman’s character controls BOOKS….!!! Oldman’s character did book burning to get them out of the hands of the people. Yes, education/reading — if some megalomaniac like this controls education, it means that person wants to reduce the level of intelligence of everyone, making those people dumb, stupid followers — easily led around just by telling the people that is the way it is and that is the way it works. Follow me or die. Education is something that cannot just be frittered away now that we have it. During the old religious war days, when the church had a choke hold on books and as to who could access the books, it kept the majority of people on earth in the dark — literally. People could not read, could not write — could not become better people. For fear of the church losing power…

Is this what Project 2025 (and Trump?) is aiming to do — get rid of education and start to make people dumber, stupider? Because if they remove the Dept of Education, it means that it falls on EACH individual state to regulate and control education. Which means MORE chaos as in Abortion rights in all the states. Which means book whitewashing… What, there was no such thing as slavery, it says so right here in the history books that we produced in our state (let’s just use Georgia as an example — even though Texas DOES do some history whitewashing)…. Even DeSantis stated that it was historical that Black slaves were learning skills and trade crafts while working for the white guy…

We have to be better and being better means becoming United to work and collaborate TOGETHER — ALL OF THE TIME to MAKE EVERYONE MORE SUCCESSFUL…!!!!

More info for those who would like to look them up: 30 Things Donald Trump Did as President You Might Have Missed

tags: abortion, ACA, Affordable Care Act, alleged rape, art deco, art deco friezes, bonwit teller, bonwit teller building, book burning, book history whitewashing, Book of Eli, book whitewashing, boxes of classified documents, classified documents, Comet Ping Pong, Comet Ping Pong Pizza, defense production act, Denzel Washington, Dept of Education, Deptarment of Education, e. jean carroll, fake electors, fox, fox & friends, fox and friends, Gary OIdman, Global Health Security and Bio-defense unit, god, hamas invades, hamas invasion, illegally removing classified documents, john barron, john barron = donald trump, merrick garland, metropolitan museum of art, microplastics, Mitch McConnell, MoMA, nanoplastics, NATO, obama administration, obama care, obamacare, pfas, PPE, Project 2025, russia invades ukraine, scalise, sculptures, steve scalise, Trump, Trump train to hell, trump’s accomplishments, slaves, Abortion rights.




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