Yes Allison, unfortunately, we have a lot of people in this country and around the world who 'STILL', either implicitly, unconsciously and/or covertly does not believe racism continues to exist or is a problem OR that it ever happened.
We currently live in a sad society and it plays out in so many bad ways (fighting the vaccine to stop a killer disease when everyone gets the MMR shots - no agreeing on voter rights for fair AND equal voting - etc., etc., etc.).
We live in a doomed world and it is going down the path of Russia, Belarus, China, Turkey and now Poland. Unless we ALL band together and come to our senses.
There are so many people who want to gain power and then stay in power - no matter the cost - that is the bottom line.
I just wonder how long it is going to take before the problems of race and caste systems (ask the folks in India about this one) will ever go away (if ever) and EVERYONE becomes equal in the eyes of everyone else, no matter their skin color...
As others have noted here, you did hit the nerve of many. And in many of those cases, they display the exact reactions of deniers and racists.
In addition to the content you've written and the reactions to it, there are also all the acts of violence in this country (black guy out for a run "Ahmaud Arbery", Stand your ground shooting of Trayvon Martin,Asian hate crimes, etc., etc.) - causing people to make comments (not in the threads here but IRL) such as: I don't want to live in this world anymore.
That is a sad and ominous thing to hear from folks... not rare comments, but becoming frequent.